.. _quickstart-startup: ******* Startup ******* The simplest way to run single instance of Knot Resolver is to use provided Knot Resolver's Systemd integration: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo systemctl start kresd@1.service See logs and status of running instance with ``systemctl status kresd@1.service`` command. For more information about Systemd integration see ``man kresd.systemd``. .. warning:: ``kresd@*.service`` is not enabled by default, thus Knot Resolver won't start automatically after reboot. To start and enable service in one command use ``systemctl enable --now kresd@1.service`` First DNS query =============== After installation and first startup, Knot Resolver's default configuration accepts queries on loopback interface. This allows you to test that the installation and service startup were successful before continuing with configuration. For instance, you can use DNS lookup utility ``kdig`` to send DNS queries. The ``kdig`` command is provided by following packages: ============ ================= Distribution package with kdig ============ ================= Arch knot CentOS knot-utils Debian knot-dnsutils Fedora knot-utils OpenSUSE knot-utils Ubuntu knot-dnsutils ============ ================= The following query should return list of Root Name Servers: .. code-block:: bash $ kdig +short @localhost . NS a.root-servers.net. ... m.root-servers.net.