Welcome to Knot Resolver Quick Start Guide! This chapter will guide you through first installation and basic setup recommended for your use-case.
Before we start let us explain basic conventions used in this text:
This is Linux/Unix shell command to be executed and an output from this command:
$ echo "This is output!"
This is output!
$ echo "We use sudo to execute commands as root:"
We use sudo to execute commands as root:
$ sudo id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
Snippets from Knot Resolver’s configuration file do not start with $ sign and look like this:
-- this is a comment
-- following line will start listening on IP address port 53
We recommend using the latest released Knot Resolver version. Our upstream releases undergo extensive automated testing and are suitable for production.
Packages available in your distribution’s may be outdated. Follow the instructions below to obtain the latest Knot Resolver version for your distribution.
Debian / Ubuntu¶
Please use our official repos for Debian and Ubuntu. Debian unstable and testing usually contain latest Knot Resolver version.
After that apt
will keep updating knot-resolver 5.x packages from our repositories.
If you used our older repo until now, you may want to also uninstall the helper package
by apt purge knot-resolver-release
Enterprise Linux 7, 8, 9¶
Use Fedora EPEL.
yum install -y epel-release
yum install -y knot-resolver
Package updates are delayed by about one week after release. To obtain the latest released version early, you can use the epel-testing repository.
yum install -y --enablerepo epel-testing knot-resolver
Use the distribution’s repositories where we maintain up-to-date packages.
dnf install -y knot-resolver
Package releases are delayed by about a week. To obtain the latest released version early, you can use the updates-testing repository.
dnf install -y --enablerepo updates-testing knot-resolver
Just add our COPR repository, based on the variant of your openSUSE:
# Leap 15.5
zypper addrepo https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/cznic/knot-resolver5/repo/opensuse-leap-15.5/group_cznic-knot-resolver5-opensuse-leap-15.5.repo
# Tumbleweed
zypper addrepo https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/cznic/knot-resolver5/repo/opensuse-tumbleweed/group_cznic-knot-resolver5-opensuse-tumbleweed.repo
Then you can install as usual with
zypper install knot-resolver
Arch Linux¶
pacman -S knot-resolver